Monday, August 25, 2014

The Last Two Weeks, Today

What an absolutely amazing two weeks.

Over the past few days I have; hosted a fundraiser in support of Action Africa's efforts to send a 40ft container of medical supplies to Sierra Leone. Highlights include my friend donating his locks of hair for the cause;
"Chomp" - Special Thanks to @wiseowlclub for the buzz
Organized a viewing of the street photography documentary "Everybody Street" at The Leica Store DC and photographed a great night of awareness for Jennifer Tress's #NotPrettyEnough project;
Jennifer Tress with her panel 
Took some photos of one of the best Story League shows at Busboys and Poets I have seen;

Made a few portraits of my amazing friend Jamie Corley;

Joined a band (first show is September 5th at The Pinch!) and shot some very special rolls of TMAX400 at muralist/artist Eric B's going away party.
Edy Blu performs with some keys
Oh yea, and I quit my day job of the past four (4) years. An eternity in young professional terms. I had the chance to work with some great people in order to deliver practical training courses to government representatives from a diverse collection of emerging market countries. I traveled to Africa a few times and learned A LOT about an unquantifiable number of things, but it's time. Time to start devoting more energy towards photography and collaboration with likeminded folks similar to those listed at the top of this post, and most importantly, work for myself.

I will cherish so many memories from that job though:

Up until this point my life has been a constant experiment and I can't wait to see what the odd-ball variables of running my own business has in store for me.