Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Report from the basement: My first trip to the Dougout

I finally made it up to the Dougout a few weeks ago, which is, in summary; an un-airconditioned DIY music venue in NE DC that serves as a small stage for local acts, an outpost for various associates in the scene.
Steve-O Par
Also an impromptu barbershop for anyone that needs a cut.
In essence, it's everything I couldn't get together but would have loved to be a part of back when I was focused on trying to make music.

The menu that night consisted of The Obsessives, Boardroom Heroes and Kill Lincoln. The temperature in the basement viewing area was somewhere around 80ish degrees but all the bands powered through and took care of business.
Kill Lincoln
As per my new usual, I loaded some Tri-X into my BessaR and looked to add some artificial light to the mix. This time mounting my SB-600 on-camera and making some Hail Mary exposures. I'm still getting used to this adding flash without chimping a digital playback screen and I think I am making some progress.
The Obsessives
The Obsessives
Boardroom Heroes
Kill Lincoln plus audience members
The film was then souped in Kodak HC110 and scanned with my PrimeFilmXA film scanner.