Tuesday, March 11, 2014

First Post

Welcome to the DGDC Photo blog.

This will be a sound off for all things related to my general interests in photography. For the most part, it will include thoughts on current projects, reactions and theories from the field and a assignments, general opinions about technique as well as what inspires me.

I find that inspiration can be spurred by almost anything so I will probably find myself pretty deep in the weeds on 'inspiration' type posts and venture pretty off topic from time to time, but I think it's important to look at catalysts and think about how/why/when they effect you. Music plays a pretty big part in this (currently blasting The Dead Boys Young Loud and Snotty), as well as other photographers, artists, people etc., so I will be casting a pretty wide net.

Anyway, I also shoot quite a bit of 35mm film so I will probably spend a good bit of time on why that is and what I find to be so rewarding about the film shooting process. I emphasize process here because I don't necessarily shoot film for the final product and I doubt many other film shooters would readily admit that.

I hope to make a post about once a week about something that grabbed my attention at some point during the photographic process. I'm about to dive into editing/processing a bunch of product shots I did over the weekend for Gintry & Co. They help you turn Vodka (yuk) into Gin (Yum!).
